Sebi on weekly options

Volatility is a friend of a good trader. I know many people who have given funds to someone on the promise of a monthly return of 5-10%, despite me warning them not to do so and think logically. I don’t think any move from SEBI can stop it other than an awareness campaign.

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Sir what is your take on this orher then its reguilatory decision if it will come we have to accept it :face_with_monocle::thinking:

somebody tell sebi that all weekly option traders wl move to mnthly options . i m trading intraday in bn in weekly n wl move to mnthly frm next day if this is implemented . thn they wl stop mnthly also . who uses options fr hedging whn thrs a hope of making money in trading

Nothing I can disclose publicly. :wink:


Hi @nithin sir,
Nothing bad will happen, such a clue can be offered :pray:

Monthly Option Premium are high and market is going one side. this will increase loss for individual who has low trading capital.

decision is already taken ?

You can give hint like its a long distance run dont worry about dehydration :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

@nithin when can we expect SEBI to put out a consultation paper on this, understand this would be after the recommendations from the expert committee.

Don’t know. Guess once they have recommendations.

FYI I had shared this yesterday.


Few years back

  1. I trade in intraday equity SEBI came and banned intraday margin - now no margin for equity intraday

  2. I trade in MIS option segment - SEBI came and banned MIS category - now no more MIS in option selling

  3. I Trade in USD INR peacefully in Option selling - RBI Came And Crushed the USDINR Option Chain

  4. I invest in USA Nasdaq and S&P 500 through Mutual Fund - They banned To Invest in Overseas - No AMC is accepting Fresh Money

  5. I try to trade in Crypto Option - there FM came And put 30% tax and Killed the Crypto Trading

  6. I try To Trade in USA market in derivatives RBI put Ban For Indians

  7. When I try To invest in small cap - SEBI made announcement to block fresh Money Coming in to the space - suddenly all AMC stop fresh buying IN small Cap Mutual Fund

Now they’re worry about Derivatives segment - if they are really worry - let give job for all @ minimum 50k - outside business loan also 11 to 15% its to costly to start business in india - only ambani and adani can do business

@nithin Please tell me what we need to do - we together to sell pakkoda in mumbai only
All broker will close the shop i think

These peple are not leader they are range rover - there is no Job at least 50k monthly in entry level - RBI is posting false Inflation data - Inflation at least 9% to 10 %

So only People are thinking to go to DUBAI - How dubai is developed - through free Business - any one can do any business - free country - so the fast growth the country seen in short period

My next Plan is to Go to DUBAI only

@nithin @Sebi your suggestion

PLease let me know the indian goverment - what they are think - indians always want to b a begger or to qualify to sell pakkoda only


@nithin sir
Sir, if SEBI is concerned about the huge volumes coming into options and uneducated people’s risks , why they made everyday is an expiry day ? And why do they created options contracts for each and every index which was in deep sleep from ages?
May be SEBI is thinking like ’ ye hamne kya kiya ’ :grinning:

even in nifty next month contract have no liquidity - if SEBI try to do something genius like albert einsten - then both nifty and broker will be settled in coma stage - trader will be admit in mental hospital - regulator will become a doctor to treat these patience again-
this circle only happen in INDIA, because Good doctor are already left from india to USA Etc

SEBI should ban you from using tradingQNA.

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I didn’t say anything.

i mention doctor means clever people - combine before paragraph then you can understand

Speculation about SEBI actions is ripe. Let regulators do their job, meantime why not we sharpen our axe to play wisely in the coming days. Big players have muscle power so they can bend markets whichever way they want, but retailers. Sadly, retailers are becoming slave of social media noise, tips and hero-worship. Changes are inevitable, and none is in our control. However, adapting to changes definitely is. Like mandatory driving license, mandatory certification in F&O may bring about sophistication and may possibly curb manipulation by big money. Needless to say, everyone would try to restrict weak hands first as that is easier. Lots can be written, but I would strongly suggest aspiring traders to read & practice Varsity materials, do sufficient backtesting and virtual trades, start playing with small money (skin in the game) to learn and control emotions (greed & fear), doing which will eventually help us graduate to an expert-player. Question to ponder: Will you ever go to a doctor who is not qualified? Your response to this should reflect in your approach to market also.

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Guys. Please relax. There is no use of ranting over here. Trading is a game we all agreed to play. Rules keep changing. If we wanna continue with new rules, we can. Otherwise we can quit. Every field there at regulations and if we keep asking questions we can never survive in any game.
Bowlers can’t say why do we have free hit after we ball a no ball. It was not there before. Batsman has no runner now. Mankading is now within the rule book.
My point is simple. Rules keep changing. If you want accept it. Otherwise quit.


According to some reports, the group would submit its report in about 3 months time (which seems reasonable).

They will do a public consultation before taking any decision right ?

I agree, but imagine someone who has spent years to upskill himself in trading and this is his bread and butter, what will he do if they decided to stop it :frowning:

I hope they just ask some strict income proof to enable trading for a user and probably keep submitting more and more forms if anyone is making consistent losses :joy:

Atleast FNO has some way of adjustments, if people move to plain equity intraday it will be worse. Thats like hit or miss kinda style right?