Finfluenzas are starting to feel the heat. Tough to say when people will stop following under their trap, but SEBI is surely following them very closely and taking strict action.
It has ordered Nasir who famously calls himself Baap of chart to repay 17 crores !!! that he has collected in the name of educational courses while sharing calls and sharing profits without any registration.
“Bas 5 minutes me Sureshot Profit Kro” and Power of Trading | How to make 5 to 10 Lakhs every Month - Thats the headline of couple of his Youtube videos, his channel has 4.4 lac subscribers and more than 7 crore views.
Nasir, who claims to provide strategies for trading that would lead to 200-300% profit/ assured or near-assured returns, has actually incurred a net loss of INR 2,89,60,828.02 through trading in securities and has concealed such facts from the investors in his videos/ workshops/ groups.
I’m still shocked how he was able to take 17 crore from people. For a legitimate AMC to make that money, it would requires at least 1000 crores of AUM. These guys are doing it with flashy and chhapri videos and messages. It reflects more about how greedy and foolish people can get to make quick bucks.
Kudos to SEBI for this order and hopefully, this is the first one. there are many in the line