Sebi plans to cap our margin on our net worth

hAHAha :smiley: really funny…

Yeah please do let me know. I will join you too. I make good maggi. I have my own custom reciepie :smiley: So maggi with pakoda, maggi with ice tea, maggi with cold coffee… So there you go, you now have some menu as well. I am sure we will make much much more money than from stock market. LOL :smiley:


Yeah :smiley::smiley::smiley::joy::joy:
Sure I’ll ask you to join in my venture :joy:

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Exactly… Who will take the other side of the smart money ??

Who will be the cannon fodder for all them institutions ?? Afterall thats what makes the market isn’t it…

Or is SEBI really stupid enough not to even know it… Who knows ??

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lol :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Hope the government doesn’t slam a net worth over there :joy::joy::joy:

You must possess 10lacs otherwise no one will buy pakoda from you … lol:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


It might not be an issue for some but its an impossible thing for many traders… 25lacs is 2.5 Million rupees… Its not a small thing… Esp for a retail trader who by definition is restrained by limited capital…


The issue is whether illiquid assets should be considered or not. If illiquid assets like real estate are okay, then it shouldn’t be hard for most of the people to come up with a net worth of 50L

what about Gold ? who will certify how much i have ? Stupid SEBI bringing in complications in a smooth flowing market


That’s their job :rofl:

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Haha :joy::joy::joy::joy: this will be too much :joy::joy::joy:


As one expert on market regulation puts it, “We want to regulate everything because we can’t enforce anything.”

In other words, Sebi is considering a legislation that puts curbs on all individual investors and traders, simply because it hasn’t been able to book those who violate existing laws. The problem, then, lies largely with the regulator’s seeming inability to enforce its rules.


Sptember 18 crucial day !
SEBI will most likely take a decision in its meeting.
EDIT : Looking at all the opposition, I doubt SEBI will implement this. But you never know.


whatever they decide, are they going to give some time to traders like 3-6 months to submit the necessary docs?

18th September - From where you got that date. Just curious

i sorry to be harsh on dis…but fno is not crazy its limited understanding abt it dat makes people percieve it as such… derivatives are a critical part of secondary markets and wud nt be as liquid as they are if nt fr dem…any regulation to limit participation is against the very spirit of freemarket…that said creating a class of qualified domestic fno participants solely based on abstract posessions of knowledge or experience is a reasonable demand


"It is, indeed, an Alice in Wonderland regulatory system when SEBI will not look into its own record of failures, while trying to nail a market participant for flouting rules or trampling over competition. "

Quite apparent its record of failures. Esp with all its illogical rules and restrictions. Just plain “blunt” restrictions based on even more “blunt” causes.

This article hit the nail at the right place.

“To steer clear of controversy ahead of the 2019 general elections in India, SEBI may decide not to keep any of the key policy decisions it wants to take, pending beyond September or October,” the source said.