SEBI is a dead horse… pls stop beating them…
Dear Sebi( Stupid educated Baffoon of India),
The retail investors are getting well educated and use complex hedging strategies like straggle, strangle,covered call and butterfly spread to hedge their portfolio. They do not need your “concern”. There should be a level playing field for mutual funds and individual investors in a fair market. Aren’t you “concerned” about mutual funds exposure to derivatives? In spite of minimum margin rules being followed by investors you are concerned about them? Don’t individual investors have a right to protect their portfolio? Your actions seem to suggest that your loyalties lie with the mutual funds and not the individual investors of India whose participation is anyway low in the capital markets.
Dear retailors,
My brother in law(Uttam Bagri) is the chairman of broker’s forum. I am an ex fund manager and long term investor myself with 10+ years of experience and networth of about 2 crores. Even the Broker’s forum is pro Sebi. Nothing will happen unless small fishes like us unite to form a retail investor’s forum. We can stand united and file for petitions against the stupid rules which Sebi imposes. If we unite, the world will take our notice. Please let us meet in Mumbai.
SEBI is planning to limit investors exposure to shares and equity derivatives in line with their net worth to preventing individuals from going overboard on equity investments, considered riskier than bonds.
We tried, but some people are not courageous enough. If they are not in trouble, they dont support.
Plant a tree uf u r in loss, and plant 2 trees if u in profit. As 99% pplz lose,ours tress will grow and it will help u eventually. Healthy enviornment need for healthy mind to crack in longrun
Avoid trading altogether if you hate planting trees
rather I would say plant two trees if you are in loss… Eventually you can cover losses by selling its fruits…
@CoolBird I respect your opinions but your point of view is restricted to what is around you.
I am an 18 year old who started trading 3 months ago and i have been profitable in commodity market ever since.
Of course its hard as I spent 2 years studying the commodity/currency markets along with my regular studies.Derivative market might be scary and risky but its upto us to choose.If you are smart enough everything is an opportunity. If SEBI restricts the traders what will happen to me, and others like me(who wish to build a carrier in trading). SEBI is not my parent.Hell, I am trading secretly against my parent’s wishes because I believe in myself and I have got the results to back it up! You CANNOT achieve anything in life if you aren’t willing to take risk.And if market itself isn’t free then our economy cannot boom.Like it or not derivatives segment also has an effect on the direct economy of a country and making it out of public’s reach will only hurt it.
Your response is surely of an 18 year old. Beta…wish you all the v best in trading. Only thing is be careful with your money in derivatives. A few trades in profit should not escalate you to great heights. It take just a few secs in derivatives to wipe off your entire capital deployed.
That’s exactly my point…I am an 18 year old who wants to try his hands in something new.Maybe it’s true that my heart is swayed by a few lucky trades but if you say that money cannot be made in derivatives then I cannot and will not simply take your word for it.YOU suffered in it along with a bunch of others doesn’t means all do.Let the derivatives account swipe my accounts a few times.What do I have to loose?I don’t invest a lot in this endeavour…I simply put in my saved pocket money and my competitor earnings in it.I even am expecting my account to be wiped out that’s why I have a backup money saved to put in if that happens.Its all part of a learning process.But there must be a derivatives market for that.Maybe I will suffer losses then so be it…I will still learn something from it.
This kind of attitude is what kept majority of Indians from investing in stocks even now.They all consider FDs a better option as they tried stock market and suffered due to half witted decisions with educating themselves.Now these failures haunt them and they consider it to be impossible or beat too risky and even to the extent that those who are successful are so because of their luck.
This conservative,non risk taking kind of attitude needs to change in this country.Ever since we are born we are taught to fear things and fight for security…a secure job…a house etc.Hell I don’t want security if it means to lock your potential inside yourself.My father straight up called me a failed son because I didn’t agreed to his conservative philosophy.Look at the west…they have a derivatives market and they watch it with positivity and as an opportunity.They are experimental,practical and most of all brave enough to take crazy risks because the revolutionaries aren’t sane anyways.
At last I’ll say:Maybe trading in derivatives will not get me anywhere but not trying it will also not make a Bezos
You write well son. I’m sure you would have a different story to write after you get older & mature. Good luck !
I WILL SAY if you trade 1 lot of nifty for 20 days say 12 months you have paid 45000 rs to taxes excluded brokerages and this agencies.
Not controlling.
1.) Market Manipulation.
2.) Market scam( Like Co location scam.)
3.) they create ring fight Like HFT and institutional algo vs retail traders.
and they only want to create impractical rules and regulation.
yes, you Right 100%
Then never capped fall of stocks like DHFL, pc JEWELLERY , RIGHT NOW ZEE one day fall of 100 points next day 50 PERCENT upside. they never capped the fall of this stocks.
they never make circuits smaller to avoid huge fall.
and if you want to trade this market fairly then we should stop short sell in cash markets sell only if you have bought this share before.
we need a (INDIAN trade UNion…)
If this not manipulation then what is.??
first of all retail traders made a union like in other business.
Such things will increase if SEBI does anything foolish.
stock market will became gamble…
F&O is pure gambling…that way we should legalize betting in sports etc & our country would have all punters
Investment decisions are needed to be precise and accurate. So, we need to know the circle of investing before going forward.
Hmmm, young blood with full of energy. You will understand your father when you have children. BTW you will have more success if you keep a calm head, respect your elders while being assertive of what you want to do. I am not asking you to stop following what you want to do but try to respect your elders and take them along with you by trying to make them understand what you want to do. But again do so with respect and not in angry mood. You might be surprised by their response.
Also, try to understand what money really is and how it comes into existence. I hope it will give you a more balanced view about it and also help you acquire it, the way you want to acquire it.
Every time you lose one rupee, you need to earn three more rupees to continue growing. One rupee that you lost yesterday, one rupee that should have been your yesterdays profit and one rupee that you need to profit today. Else you will keep losing time and effort that you put in for the first rupee you had and keep going backwards more and more, while you exhaust your options for earning more rupees. If you lose your credit worthiness, you will not have anything else to lose.
If you didn’t actually earned your rupee that you put in stock market, somebody else did. Think, how they did it? The only real money maker is, a good savings plan, which grows exponentially over time. Respect your money and money will respect you.