SEBI's circular for tightening rules for F&O trading

Also you:

I’ll let others reading this decide whether my “jumping to conclusion” was accurate or not.

See this. care to answer this @blackswan PTD rules are needed in our markets rather than blocking instruments.

I’ve heard of private credit. You misunderstood me. I was not saying that loans are only given through CIBIL score. I was pointing out the motivation for the existence of something like a CIBIL score. The reason a framework like this exists is that it is the responsibility of the lender to make sure they lend their money to someone who will be able to repay it back, and if they don’t they might not get their money back. So, like I said “A fool and his money will soon be parted.”

A foolish lender, who lends his money to another irresponsible fool, will sooner or later lose his money. But I support the freedom of anyone to use their own money in ways they want, which includes losing their money.

If you can’t use your own money that you “own” in ways that you want, then you are not really owner of that money.

and my point is we need PTD rules and not rules that Block instruments all together.

The SEC is a joke and definitely not a good example to blindly follow. Just because America does something doesn’t make it automatically a golden rule.

America has 31 trillion dollars in debt and rising every year. Please tell me if we should also follow America’s lead on this because “US does this, so must be awesome!”

Just to be clear, I’ve been clear from the start that I’m against blocking instruments, and consider it draconian, just like you.

However, what you are suggesting as a “remedy”, I consider even more draconian.

you consider that draconian and i don’t! just like i consider free handouts and socialist schemes draconian and terrible! as all these sceme’s are legally stealling from the tax payers and hard worker.

you do realize not everyone will have the same views as you do. 7 billion people on the planet different upbringing different views.

No the SEC is not a Joke. There is a reason america leads the world and is the supreme authority.Following them wont do any harm.India needs privatization and a free market.


We agree. In fact, I consider taxation itself as theft (legally stealing from hard worker)!

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True, and there are many reasons for that. But the SEC is not one of them.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

100% agreed. So, why are you advocating for a nanny state?

Nanny state only in selected areas like Birth Control, and risk taking leading to being a burden on social systems.Indians are known to break rules globally they cant be herded without a nanny state in certain areas.

Sebi just forgets one thing option buyer will only move to more extreme otm options because they have fix capital so problem will not go away🙃

How are zerodha users going to be impacted by the intraday position limit of 15%. Considering the large market share of zerodha, the 15% broker level limit will be reached very early during the day. In such a case will the users will not be allowed to create fresh positions?

increase in lot size for index only or for stocks too??

only in index options

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and Index Fut

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Can we execute credit spreads with margin benefit or will there be huge capital difference for executing such strategy

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Credit spreads won’t be impacted. The margin benefit will continue as long as all legs of the strategy are of the same expiry.