Sensibull verified problem

44400CE Aug 24 2023
Buying price → 130
Quantity-> 7200
Total Buying price → 936000
Exit price → b/w 250-260
So returns is around 92% to 100%

Everything is explained by Stock Burner

And he also admitted that capital involved in overnight position was around 10 Lakhs
And why sensibull is not able to carry those calculation if it’s clearly an overnight position and why it’s showing 991% return and that capital as approx 91K

That above screenshot is of the YouTube video
And sensibull is not able to resolve that technical issue so they are hiding total capital when I personally see the verified pnl

I understand that after taking overnight position they are just showing total capital that is left in the account

What’s the main issue?
I was not able to calculate returns then When I completely saw the video that total capital involved is 10 Lakhs approx and then they are able to generate 9L returns
But a Youtuber can easily say that see I made 991% return and sell their courses to every novice student

Thanks to Stock Burner that he admitted that it’s actually 91% return and the total captial he used 10 Lakhs