Share trading software for intraday?

I am day trade and been doing it for 6 months now.

I am using strategy desk for day trading and I am getting better. I want to move on.

Can I get the names of the software that day trader use to trade. which one should I buy and how much it cost and where can I find it.

How about the expert advisor feature on Pi? Do explore if have not already -

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Based on extensive quantitative research on Indian financial markets, an algorithm has been developed by to provide better returns that could beat the human intelligence. 

Performance of the Algo:

Price movements of various Stock Futures will be monitored and the Algo picks the high probability trades and instantly triggers the trade alert to your email id.

Algo will mail you the trade alerts in fraction of seconds with the name of the stock, entry price, stop loss and Target alerts. You could exit the stock once you achieve reasonable profits or you can exit the stock when you the Target is met. Check out to get email alerts