As you all know we are having different means of extracting data from NSE, google, etc.
Sharing this data wither free/subscribed does attract any penalties/legal action?
I have seen a handful of websites(like appuonline) displaying lot of NSE EOD data, world indices, etc. I’m not sure whether they have written agreement from NSE or so(as per TOS of NSE). Please share your views.
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Yep to display or share data, the person has to be empanelled on NSE, check this link. Yes, NSE takes legal action against people who distribute data unauthorized.
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Since EOD data is available free of cost from NSE website, (one can directly filter from their website with specified dates and copy them to their local pc for personal use) I don’t think so it is necessary to share this data on any other website, wither free or subscribed. But doing so is illegal and may be the data in couurse of action could be corrupt, error prone and unauthentic.