SIB NIFTy 50 ETF Zerodha page - Current price is far from the real time NAV

SIB NIFTy 50 ETF Zerodha page shows - Current price is far from the real time NAV

Checked sbi nifty 50 etf formerly known as (sbi etf nifty 50)
its showing the ETF and Inav same and Traded price .

Nav and iNav , will be same on end of day (or after market Hours)?

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In an ETF iNAV is the actual cost of the total constitutents of 50 shares in Nifty 50. This is published so that we know the real value as of that ETF at that point of time. The market value in an ETF will always differ. It depends on the demand and supply just like any stock.

The iNAV value keeps getting updated every 15 seconds.

What is it updated on? Is it calculated by exchange or published by the fund house?

Hi @neha1101 ,

Not sure the You have checked the pages mentioned .
In the Zerodha stock page Realtime Nav is 230.44
SBI fund page Inav is 246.16
This difference which I am Mentioning in the post .
Hi @tallerballer ,
As per my understanding the Inav is calculated by Fund house in frequent intervals ( like 15 Seconds )

As discussed in different post , I think its following Nifty 50 Tri Index not Nifty 50 Index .

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