Sip closure on coin platform

I have opened a SIP through COIN on zerodha.
Please can someone confirm the process of closing the SIP and reedeeming the invested money along with accrued interest after 5 years.

You can view the active/paused SIPs in the SIP/Conditional tab and click on the delete icon next to the status column. If you have done this then the SIP instruction for that fund will be deleted and there will be no further investment in that fund. The units which have been already allotted to you will be shown in your portfolio and you can redeem the units from the same.


Hi Rahul,

SIP is a mode to invest in mutual funds, where you are instructing the system to place orders to the AMC periodically. Now if you have set up an SIP through coin,you can see the SIP instructions on SIP and conditional screen

everytime the buy happens there will be units allocated to you from the AMC which will show up in your in the portfolio page on as follows:

Now if you wish to redeem these units. You can use the redeem option on this page:

You have the option to redeem a fund completely or limit to only certain units

Hope this helps.


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And your MF P&L = Current value - Investment value