Sold pledged stock same day as pledge was created

Hi. I pledged Latent view share today for margins and accepted the pledge and received margins at 9:00 am. And then i forgot that i have pledged those shares and sold latent view from my holdings at 10:15 am.
Also i used the pledged margins for intraday through out day and successfully squared off my position. Will this result in short delivery?
Will i be penalised for selling pledged shares of Latent view on the same day? Will i charged interest for trading from margins which wasn’t there?
My broker is Paytm Money. At point 4 it warns me about selling pledged share on same day.

Also if the stocks would be auctioned, how much fine i’m looking at. Value of latent view holding was 50000.
What are the chances that the penalty would be maximum 20%?
Please share your insights. Till now i haven’t received any email auction.