Strategy indices such as Midcap 150 Momentum 50, Nifty 500 Momentum 50 etc should be added to kite. I don’t why these are not available while indices such as Nifty 100 Low Vol 30 etc are available. Seems random to me.
This is available; you can search with the following name.
This is a new indices added in exchange; this will be added soon.
Why is it named so weirdly? No one can find it by searching nifty Midcap 150 momentum
They have to type exactly NIFTYM150M to get this suggestion.
Also lots of old indices are missing. For example Nifty Midcap 150 Quality 50. This index has a mutual fund by UTI since March 2022. Still I can’t find it. Maybe there’s another code to see it but I didn’t find it by regular methods.
So please add Nifty 500 Mom 50, Midcap 150 Quality 50. Basically at least all the indices which have ETFs or Mutual Funds based on them should be available at the bare minimum.
NIFTY 100 Quality 30 can’t be found if someone types Nifty 100 Quality. No no. They have to type Nifty100 and then add from those results. Or they can type nifty 100 qualty(without the “i”) only then they will see it.
If they type nifty 100 quality 30 then the index is not visible. Doesn’t make sense to me.
I don’t want to be playing all these IQ code guessing games with my broker. I just want to type anything remotely correct and get what I might have wanted. Here I’m typing something exactly correct yet it’s a roll of dice whether I will get what I want.
The Midcap 150 Quality 50 Index is available on Kite under the name NIFTYM150QLTY50. I agree that the name has been shortened due to a backend process. Improving its discoverability is on our to-do list and should be addressed soon.
Additionally, a few indices were introduced in mid-November and are yet to be added to the platform. The Nifty 500 Mom 50 is part of this list and will be available shortly.
sorry for the confusion; it’s ‘NIFTY M150 QLTY50.’"
I couldn’t find “Nifty500 Multicap Momentum Quality 50” index too.
And, I cannot find its ETF too “Edelweiss nifty500 multicap momentum quality 50 ETF” to trade.
You can search with scrip code to (EMULTIMQ) find it.
Real-time calculation started in mid-December. This will be added soon.
Please make Nifty financial services ex-bank index available to Kite
Nifty High Beta 50, is missing too.
This is calculated on an EOD basis. We will explore the feasibilities.
Realtime calculations began on December 16th. Typically, new indices would be added in a week or two. This has been delayed due to an update dependency. New indices introduced in November and December 2024 will be added shortly.