When i back test a Nifty50 FUT strategy with fixed lot quantity (say 6 lots), it works fine.
But when i put specific amount (6 lakhs) as max allocation, it is not returning any trades. it should calculate the quantity as per allocated amount and trigger the trade.
It works fine for CE/PE but not for FUT.
Did anyone else noticed this or can test and confirm. Thanks
Kindly note that Streak does not assume any margin as the broker. Hence you will have to enter the max allocation such that it is higher than the notional value (i.e. price * quantity). While backtesting an entry will only be triggered when the notional value of the trade is less than the allocated amount.
Let’s understand how to calculate the notional value to buy 1 lot of Nifty index Future, let’s assume the Nifty index is at 25000 and the lot size is 25, so in order to buy one lot of Nifty Future the allocated amount should not be less than 625000 (i.e. 25000*25).
In case you input the max allocation as 600000, no trades will be entered because the notional value is higher than the allocated amount. Kindly increase the max allocation and it should be working fine.