Scan for Opening Range(Close,3min) higher than 60 and Opening Range(Close,3min) lower than 1900 and Opening Range(Close,3min) higher than Opening Range(Open,3min) and Opening Range(Low,3min)
equal to Opening Range(Open,3min) on 3 Minute candles using candlestick chart
Hi, I am creating a code in Scanner using 3min candlesticks which shows stocks among Nifty 50 which fulfill following conditions -
a) Price of 1 share should be between 50rs and 1900 rs
b) Opening candle (3 min) Close should be greater than High
c) Opening candle (3 min) Close should be equal to Opening candle (3 min) Low
You can find code for same above.
However after i run the scanner, i am getting false results
As you can see from above image, 4 stocks are fulfilling criteria for that price action on 16th dec 2022, Friday
But if you look at actual price action available from Tradingview , you will find that Scanner is showing false results for Axis bank and Hdfc bank stocks. What do you people think is going on ?
Is my code wrong or is it an error in Streak or some other issue ?
Any constructive reply will be very appreciated.
Hi! @samofbangalore
Please find the below snapshot for Axis and Hdfc bank where the scanner conditions are matching on the chart.
Would suggest you to check the conditions on ChartIQ chart type that will be supported on your broker charts. Not all charting platforms will show the exact same OHLC. This has been explained by Nithin himself on this TradingQnA post. Streak supports data/indicator values as per Chart-IQ chart, so, please ensure that you are cross-checking the results from Streak with the Chart-IQ chart type and it will be fine.
Hope this provides clarity.
Happy Weekend! 
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Thanks a lot for your clarification
…however i am not able to shrug off the fact that
different charting platforms will be providing different price action values because they do not capture all TBT data
…because you see, we retail traders will implicitly have the notion that any widely used charting/trading platforms will have the most accurate and reliable data possible and we base our trading decisions accordingly…but i guess there is no way around this issue unless you have the money and willingness to get TBT data for yourself