STT - Zerodha brokerage calculator

Hello Zerodha Community!

As per my understanding the STT charges for intraday equity as on date is 0.025% on SELL side. (As per the charge list given in List of all fees, charges, and taxes on trading and investing – Zerodha)

So if we have done a trade lets say of:

Buy @ 100
Sell @ 101
Qty: 100

then the STT charge for this trade should be:

= 0.025% of SELL side amount
= 0.025% of (101 which is sell price x 100 qty of shares)
= 0.025% of 10100
= 2.525

Which is: 2.53 (rounding to nearest 2 digit decimal)

But when I check with same amounts on the brokerage calculator (Brokerage calculator – Zerodha)

The STT amount calculated/shown is 3.00 (see snapshot attached)

What I am doing wrong here? Could anybody help me out on this please?

STT is rounded off to the nearest rupee, sir. It is not rounded off to the 2nd decimal.

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Could you post the link where you can support your answer… From the charges list url: it doesn’t mentions anything about rounding off to nearest integer…


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