Subtle art of Marketing

From last few days I am observing this gentleman, it seems he is a delivery swing trader and is very proudly showing his verified equity profits (thanks to bull market).
Okay Is that a problem? No not at all, it actually feels good when I see people making profits.

What’s the catch here?
Umm…Posting verified P&L link on every other topic/reply, even on the topics which were in hibernation since last few years. Sounds odd maybe, maybe not. Maybe he wants to share his happiness with everyone. Cute guy!
There a youtube channel link on the verified P&L Page. Hmm dots are now connecting…post profit P&L everywhere → people will open the link → there will see another link → curiosity kicks in → Boom you have a new visitor on your channel/blog

But hey bro, that should not bother you, he may post whatever he wants. He is free to post any link.

Yes obviously, and It won’t bother me if people do it directly. But there smart methods always catches my attention. Just wanted to share some marketing lessons. No hate to anyone.

@Jason_Castelino @SpacemanSpiff ----- you guys know what I am saying


Its not very subtle for me, its ok to be proud i guess but seems very premature.

I did not see any youtube link, just his mobile, but he did have a stupid make ‘daily 5000’ statement which doesn’t look good and seems like a loophole in console reports.
Those reports are also very limited anyway, and somewhat misleading - there is no % gain / % dd, and seems that they don’t show unrealized gains/losses which is another loophole which someone ( not him necessarily) can maybe abuse.

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If you are talking about the posts like these,

Agreed that it’s definitely an art,
to not be so overt as to get flagged/banned from the forum
for spamming or running a scam.


“The subtle art of sarcasm” :wink:

The definition of “REGULAR” in regular profits is 8 months :slight_smile:

This post was in my drafts since last month. At that time, there was a youtube channel link. Now there is a whatsapp number.
I wrote it and felt like why should I post it and ignored. But today when I saw their humble replies, they forced me to pull the chain.

Why not take it out ? It isn’t some earth shattering amount but someone in need will obviously get tempted and someone in need shouldn’t be trading.

Anyway, this has been raised enough so forum/z guys know about it and so its no longer a concern for me.

27% is pretty good. I don’t disclose system details at all and prefer to make my own systems ( even if idea is same … ) . Probably best that you don’t disclose too.

But if it does not bother you and you really want to help people who cant trade, then you could simply write few posts about your system and other things that you believe are useful. And if forum rules allow, add affiliate links along with disclosure so that those who want can buy through your links. Good luck.

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Yes. :+1:
This is precisely why some of the posts haven’t been flagged as spam. :slight_smile:

@Arun_chandel assuming we are having this discussion in good faith,
would you mind NOT sharing your console PNL report on this forum every chance you get?
(especially since your Console PNL has a misleading “call to action” that is not very different from typical scams).

Also, it’s generally good form to disclose inline/upfront when one has vested interests (eg. when posting affiliate links).

Furthermore, please be mindful of how often you post affiliate links on the forum. Please don’t be offended if any of your posts are flagged as spam. If that happens, just accept it as feedback and continue engaging on the forum without the promotional stuff.

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No idea about all of this.

i kinda agree as well as disagree.

Once you have a properly tested system and you take reasonable risk, psychology becomes very overrated. Automation helps a lot too. Now i am afraid to mess with anything in real time and in 4-5 years i have intervened only once - this year election news day which was a crazy day.

But yeah, i don’t think we can trust anyone else’s systems - esp in tough periods - without owning that system yourself. And psych issues then are probably inevitable.

Forget all that, how much did you make today? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i used to trade with discretion, but then got tired of it and automated everything. Its much easier on mind. I have coding background too, i wrote my own scripts using ahk/c++ initially and these days everything in python.

SEBI might come up with api rules soon as per nithin, sucks as last time they came with completely boneheaded proposal that no one will follow. babus making stupid rules.

Will probably go back to stone age and automate through hacky ways. i used to trade via ahk scripts over Nest, even when trading with discretion.

Dunno about overnight, and yeah i guess extended bear markets will probably be tough.

In intraday, no - my main system is running live for 5 years now, another running for 2+ years. Both working well and have decade + window of working in backtests. There are good times ( this year has been smashing) and there are tough times - overall it works.

But yeah , we do need to adapt/improve when needed.

He is trading overnight stocks, so probably not too affected if stops not hit and eventually everything is going up only these days.

Me - Small loss after being in decent profit. Longs stop hit and shorts profit reduced. Proper expiry day as it used to be many years ago. I dont think it happens like this these days too much. How was yours ? How is t7 option buying system working ? Recovered ?

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You really thought I was checking about his returns? Come on, man.

Excellent for a contra player like me. :wink:

Yeah. Totally. Now I guess it’s enough. From tomorrow, it’s better we go down south. :hugs:

i am giving him benefit of doubt for now. Probably did not make 5000, but he himself admitted that he says so because it works for advertisement.

Good to hear.

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What’s the enticement for? What are you selling?

Can you someone explain how this happened. Zero return? Goodness me… All these years I was happy thinking I was making money…

It says for the last 5 years annualised return is 18.99%. Where did zero come from…Since inception 13.70%

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Maybe u r confusing annualized return (growth rate) with annual return.

Forget NIL return, an index or fund could have delivered a negative return in a particular year, but the CAGR/annualized return could show a positive value, as it tries to average the returns earned across a given number of years.

I am using a simple average for example (instead of compounding)

Assume Nifty delivered the following annual returns.

Year 1 : 10%
Year 2 : - 2%
Year 3 : 30%

The Average return for 1 year = 10%

The Average return for 2 years = (10 - 2)/ 2 = 4%

The Average return for 3 years would be = (10 + 30 -2)/ 3 = 12.67%

Here you can see that despite the negative return in year 2, the average return for 2 years would be 4%, meaning that the price grew at an annual rate of 4% across two years.

So there can be negative or nil returns during some years, as long as one stays invested and doesn’t sell during the slump period, the returns will get averaged out and the postive returns of earlier years will dilute the actual impact. Keeping the CAGR positive.

This is precisely why just the CAGR alone won’t tell the full story of how a stock or fund has performed in a given year. (Rolling returns should be used)

A fund earning higher return in say year 2024 will be able to average out this return and still show a positive CAGR, even if in the following 3 years it delivers negative or NIL return.

Here if someone has entered and exited during this specific period (October 2021 and October 2023) only then, they would have made NIL return.

It also involves the assumption that you invested in the Nifty during it peek etc.

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