Suggestion to Invest 25Lakhs

I need to invest 50L apart from Stocks with 10% to 12% Yearly return, any idea or suggestion ?

What is time horizon? typically more the return you want more you have to face volatility.

e.g. If you want yearly 10-12% return averaged out for 12-15 years, any index fund would do. but its avarage. few years it may be negative, few years it may be 20%.

if you want every year 10-12% return, one possible investment avenue is fixed income instruments like bonds… but for such high returns one has to compromise on rating.

goldenpi is one of the site from where you can buy fixed income instruments .You can visit website /google further to get more information.

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thanks, and as I said earlier I don’t need exposure in stocks that include ETF and MT also. I am expecting advice on debenture and bonds.

Check bondbazaar also .

You can invest in Arbitrage PMS which has given 11.8% for last 10 years.

Arbitrage involves Stocks but it has never given negative return in a month.

But as per SEBI regulations minimum investment in 50 lakhs.

thanks will do

Do you know any PMS? possible to suggest?