Can you please suggest a good site/platform for heatmap? Does Zerodha provide this option?
Can you please suggest a good site/platform for heatmap? Does Zerodha provide this option?
Heatmap of what?
Holdings based on current value, investment value, P&L of holdings is on Kite
Tradebook on console
P&L on console
I guess he mentioned heat map of stocks by % increase / % decrease by sectors.
ah… that we don’t have. We haven’t attempted building a stock discovery page yet. Maybe check out
Hi nithin ,since you are online , have you checked that tick speed of nifty index ?
Ah, can’t remember the context. Can you message me with the old link where you asked the question.
@nithin I guess you don’t happen to know if logging in on tickertape screener with Zerodha Kite is secure or not, do you ??
There is a screener, but I prefer chartink. Both are delayed though
appreciate the quick response, and thanks for the chartink tip. Good day!
@nithin I guess you don’t happen to know if logging in on tickertape screener with Zerodha Kite is secure or not, do you ??
It is of course.
@nithin I guess you don’t happen to know if logging in on tickertape screener with Zerodha Kite is secure or not, do you ??
It is of course.
Hi Nithin, I was referring to the heatmap of stocks.
Can you please suggest a good site/platform for heatmap? Does Zerodha provide this option?
Try this if You want Sectoral Heatmap Sectoral Heatmap - Unofficed
Try this if you want heatmap, heatmap Heatmap - Unofficed
These things cost me nothing actually because they are hosted in Google Sheets.
I loved the way My Fno designed the sectoral heatmap but I hated the amount of RAM they ate. So I decided to make myself; then ended up adding more stuff which I wanted to have.
Try this link from NSE. Heat map updated on real time for all indexes