T Bills 91 Day Yield

Hello Team,

91 Day T-Bill shows an yield of around 6.9%, does this mean I get paid 6.9% for 3 months (91 days) or is it annualized. Example, 6.9%/12=.575 and this multiplied by 3 is around 1.725% for 91 days, kindly clarify this please.

Hi @Mahesh2020

The returns are annualized. Your calculation is correct.

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6.9% is annualized. You will get 1.725%.

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If this happens the whole capital market will collapse. Just Kidding. you get annualized.


Thank you very much team: @ranton137 , @BornArcher8 & @Meher_Smaran

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If I invest 10000, how much will I get after 91 days?

(Money invested * interest rate) * (T-bill period/365)

Hey @roman_empire

Treasury bills are zero coupon securities and pay no interest. Instead, they are issued at a discount and redeemed at the face value at maturity.

For example, a 91 day Treasury bill of ₹100/- (face value) may be issued at say ₹ 98.20, that is, at a discount of say, ₹1.80 and would be redeemed at the face value of ₹100/-. The return to the investors is the difference between the maturity value or the face value (that is ₹100) and the issue price.

You may refer to the illustration mentioned in the below yield calculation for in depth clarity -


You may check out this chapter from Varsity to learn more about government securities ! Hope this helps :slight_smile:



is the tax on these slab-wise or STCG?

Yes, the revenue from treasury bills is subject to short-term capital gain tax.

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ITAT has classified 0 coupon NCDs as interest income. TBills are similar

These are taxed at slab.

There is some confusion between various experts as to whether income from these should be reported as STCG or interest income. But in either case the taxation would be at slab.

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so it’s as per individual tax slab then…

As per kite-

it’s STCG and should be charged as per slab. but it’s STCG Should it be at a special rate?

Debt short term capital gains is different from equity short term capital gains. Equity stcg is now at 20.

Debt is completely at slab, interest, capital gains, whatever.

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got your point…thank you

Thank you very much bro

So it simply means, if I bought worth 10k at the yield of 6.55%, I have to pay 9839/- and after 91 days I’ll get 10000, the profit is 161/-. Am I right?

yes, assuming math is correct, that is how it would work.