I have read that gains from Gold ETF if realized after 3 years, is considered as LTCG and taxed at 20%. Gains realized before 3 years are considered STCG and taxed as per slab rates.
But in the Zerrodha Tax P&L statement, I see that my profit from sale of Goldbees that I held for just 920 days is shown as long-term gains. 920 days is less than 3 years, so shouldn’t it be a short-term gain?
Same thing I see for Liquidbees and SGB. Can anyone help, if Zerodha is categorizing it incorrectly or if I am missing something.
I purchased GoldBees on 30th May 2023 and sold on 17th Nov 2023.
Zerodha taxPnL Statement shows it Taxable as STCG along with Equity Stocks and not as applicable on taxpayers Slab Rate. Is there an error reported by Zerodha? What would be correct taxation for GoldBees for the period?
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