Tax fluctuation in profit and loss accout

Hello All

I am looking at Teamlease profit and loss statement. As per that for 6 months ended SEP. The tax is provided like that. Why there is so much difference in current tax and total tax amount. Which has created a lots of difference in Profit. Please reply early as IPO will close on 4 Feb

Profit / (Loss) before Taxation 159.51 145.65 
Tax Expenses are
Current Tax 69.15 23.27
Deferred Tax charge/(benefit) (12.40) (63.48)
Total (F)  56.75 (40.21)
 Net Profit/(Loss) after taxation 102.76 185.86 

This is because of the deferred tax component, wherein the company defers current tax to be paid (or not to be paid) at a latter stage based on clarifications from the tax department. Besides you can dig through the associated notes to get better clarification.

Also, here are two chapter on how to read the P&L statement, you may find this interesting -