Hi, I got a mail today regarding Mandatory mobile and email verification at KRA. The deadline is 17th Feb. Upon following the steps, I encountered this error at CVL KRA verification site, upon entering my PAN. ‘Technical Excemption’. Whom should i reach out to for help?
'Technical exception' error msg on KRA verification link for mandatory mobile and email verification
@Ranjit_George Are you able to do it ? In my case after putting the Pan number its showing email and phone number verified , no otp is being generated .
Hmm, same issue.
Hi Alwin, I reached out to cdsl and their support said to try after changing networks. I tried on different networks and on different machines, but still getting the same error. Have conveyed to them.
No. Its not allowing me to proceed after entering PAN and throwing a ‘technical exception’ error.
Hi Ranjit
i am getting same error.
Did you manage to get any solution for this “technical exception” error.if yes please let me know
Hi Deepak, not yet. Please mail to [email protected] with the screenshot of the message. They will respond. The more visibility, the better.
I have already done that but they are not responding. Problem is the timeline they put is very close.
Did u call their office & any help from them
I tried but their office number wasn’t reachable. I agree with the timeline issue. I just got the email and notification yesterday and the deadline is 3 days??!!.
I called Zerodha , they said its already verified , no idea why i got the mail
when u input your pan in kyc enquiry in cvl kra site it should the status as kyc validated
the timeline provided is just 3 days from the mail .Do we have any chance of timeline extension ?
Did u get any reply from their office against ur email. i am still getting same error “Technical Exception”
So, I spoke to Zerodha’s support. They said they have escalated this to the KRA and suggested to visit this article: How to reactivate the Zerodha account? and do a reKYC. You need to select update details as per Aadhar, verification through Aadhar. This is not a solution but a preventive measure.
Update: The link is now working and I have completed the verification. Thank you Zerodha for the support and escalation.
@Ranjit_George : After re-KYC, you have to re try OTP validation CVL KRA? If yes, did the OTP came this time around?