Thanks for providing an alternative for link to excel, for free!

@ Bhupen_A Thanks for providing an alternative for link to excel, for free!
I noticed that open values doesn’t have a link, whereas other values do.
Do you have a workaround for that?

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OPEN value not provided by platform i tried to get the details but no luck,

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What tool is this ? Where do you get data from ?
I used to get data from RTD long ago during Nest/Now days.

I have an alternative around though.
Open values are finalized post premarket. So, copy high , low values at that point of time between 9:08 - 9:14:59. That’s equivalent to open of the day.

follow this thread.

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Good to know.
Hopefully will never need it as long as websocket is available.

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i hope you get all data free of cost, we are trader and as well business man, we need to reduce our business expenses.

by the way i don’t required this much data, i need only live feed which is track my trade PnL on google sheet

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how’s that? Please enlighten me, as you would to a child.

I used to use RTD to get live data years back and then later shifted to websockets.
There is talk of banning api for retail, and one potential sideeffect could be that websockets go too. Shouldn’t really happen, but if it does then ill need to go back to workarounds like this.

Say what? They are thinking to ban API for retail too? My god. They seem really focused on getting us to work in factories.

Regulations could be such that in effect it becomes a ban and only people with (probably not great) algos willing to disclose the logic will be allowed among other things.

Nothing is decided yet but it seems that the discussions are similar to previous consultation paper. Everything seems to be focussed around algo sellers, no idea if they will give space to people using apis that dont sell algos.

If that happens we will have to go back to workaround automation such as GUI automation etc.