The Crude episode & the risk of running a brokerage business

I also want to thank you for patiently replying to most of the queries on this forum. No other broker is doing this.
I Hope you have understood the situation of small investors. Please help them.
Please don’t loose your 10Cr money also. Fight for justice. Something fishy happened at global scale. This can happen in next other contract. How do we know?

Nithin has already replied.


I understand difference between Investor/Traders/Speculators/Gamblers.

After taking inspiration from Warren Buffet, most here would have entered as Investors, transformed to trader and than to speculators.

Market instruments like futures are luring investors to become traders/speculators and than gamblers.

What retail person has to do with MCX Crude. I know some people who don’t know what is CRUDE trading MCX crude because of low margin. MCX Crude trade is now more like gambling than trade.

Everyone says please read risk document carefully, but risk is there every where… Conservative mindset person investing in debt funds also lost money…Franklin saga…

Ultimately retail money is going to some big shots…RBI written off so many big defaulters today…

If someone gives legal system to gamble , there are so many people are interested.
Ironic part is, in Gamble you can lose max 100% of what you have but here they lost 400%. That’s what made them aggravated


In history this kind of negative price has never happened. So the retail traders had no idea about it, n It was an honest human mistake, but they are expected to pay more then they deserve, which is not fair.

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To all the people who have lost money in this incident, I pray that you will be helped by the universe.

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Can u kindly give that interview link Motilal Oswal?

Hi all retailers atleast now pls stop commodity trading

The 400% is irony I’d say even 100% is still considered bad.what if bank employees should only trade banknifty.this is unexpected and will turn down the confidence of participants and for those who lost it I feel sad let the almighty give them the courage and confidence.

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Mcx doesn’t want retail trader in profit .
Many useless practices r following

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When will restrictions will lift to trade in Crude Oil… MIS orders are NOT working in CL… Is there any update?

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@nithin - I have sent you a mail, I have not received a response yet.

Sorry, email about what?

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I mailed you on May 17th to the mail id [email protected], please look at the mail.

May be crude can get a 500point move upside.planning for a is NG doing?