The expert advisers can be applied only through chart, but at a time we can open 12 charts only. So how can i apply EA to more than 12 stocks?

You can use scanners go to alerts -> Scanners ,  you can view EA and can also copy the code and paste the same in scanner, if you want to scan both buy and sell use two scanners one for buy and one for sell.

I tried scanner for thee script i made (which is working in single charts) but when i applied the same to the scanner (separate for buy and sell) i am not getting any alerts or popup ! Nothing nada !

Please help me out in understanding the scanner, Backtest and EA (or Script Alert)

Currently, I have to open all the stock (to the maximum limit provided) and then apply EA seperately. Please Help to automate it a little or if i am doing wrong !

I tried scanner for thee script i made (which is working in single charts) but when i applied the same to the scanner (separate for buy and sell) i am not getting any alerts or popup ! Nothing nada !
Please help me out in understanding the scanner, Backtest and EA (or Script Alert)
Currently, I have to open all the stock (to the maximum limit provided) and then apply EA seperately. Please Help to automate it a little or if i am doing wrong !

Scanner is Preferred over EA’S because it consumes less cpu power compared to 12 charts with ea’s.
Also a single scanner can scan upto 50 stocks realtime.
More info you need to know before using Pi scanner:
The Pi scanner , by default, does not:

  1. Make any sound alerts
  2. Display any Trigger price on the Scanner window.
  3. It does not log to the Generated Alerts WINDOW
    Watch out for the ALERT TIME cell block to TURN YELLOW when a stock has been identified.
    NOTES: If you are on a 1min scanner the cell block turns white on the next minute, so you need to constantly watch out this window to catch the alert on time.