There's no such thing called as buy and hold

There’s no such thing as buy and hold forever. Companies change, the economy changes and your portfolio has to change with that. Here’s how the portfolio of Warren Buffett, arguably the greatest “buy & hold” investors ever, has changed over the past 20 years.


What’s Ironic here is Berkshire Hathaway stock itself comes in the buy and hold category. And one would’ve been better off holding it, forever.

These Dominant once in lifetime Businesses come up in every generation. Amazon would be the current one. If an individual investor can distribute their portfolio this well over time and time things correctly, well congratulations then.

Else buying formidable businesses or just the index and letting the winners run would be much better.

There is something called buy and hold and keep monitoring. If you do not monitor there is no such thing called buy and hold.

Fully agree with Companies change, economy change etc. Hence monitoring is a must of those business you wish to buy and hold.

Disclaimer: My personal views only


I guess buy and hold refers loosely to hold an investment for longer time horizon and focus on its intrinsic value (accounts-p/l, fundamental) in case of stocks and wait till it reflects in the price. In the end every investment is a trade

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  1. It’s not buy and hold. It is hold till condition (on which) stock was selected.
    Index is one of way which does this job (entry and exit on condition) for you.
  2. Fortunately there are multiple indexes available as per risk appetite of individual
    Nifty50, NiftyNext50, 200momentum30, Alphalowvol30, Alpha50 , low vol and so on.
    One can select index which suits his/her style of investing and invest in it
    This will also ensure sector allocation changes as economy changes

When it comes to buy and hold you can only do so for passive index funds and ETFs. These employ factors and strategies and select only those stocks which satisfy the criteria. Even then you would need to rebalance when the asset allocation changes from time to time. When opting for active investing you will need to enter and exit stocks multiple times a year and buying and holding does not work.