Info Edge, which invested ₹288 crore in 4B Networks, has filed an FIR against founder Rahul Yadav and others for alleged fund misuse. The startup, launched in 2020 to connect real estate developers and brokers, faced corporate governance issues flagged by Info Edge after a forensic audit in early 2023.
The matter, under arbitration and previously reported to the Economic Offense Wing, resulted in Info Edge writing off ₹532 crore due to losses and a valuation drop.
FSSAI has classified packaged drinking and mineral water as a “High Risk Food Category,” requiring mandatory annual inspections and audits by third-party agencies. This follows the removal of mandatory BIS certification for the industry, aiming to streamline compliance while ensuring safety.
Banks are intensifying background checks on staff and agents to combat rising mule accounts and frauds, driven by regulatory pressure and reputational concerns. Advanced technology has lowered verification costs, while discrepancies in employee credentials have risen, reflecting increased job pressures and market dynamics.