Hmm… if someone is claiming to give tick by tick chart over internet, he is probably confused/misleading you. It is technically not possible to provide tick by tick chart.
Copying from an earlier answer.
Tick Data: Market data that shows price and volume at every print, it also includes information about every change to the best bid and ask.
In a single trading day, there are millions of such ticks recorded (remember this also includes change in best bid and ask prices) and it is technically not possible for any trading platform to show all ticks, especially live and on a normal broadband internet connection.
If you really want to see all the ticks, NSE does have Tick by Tick data feed1 which is a lot more expensive than the normal data feed, and will have to be subscribed to througn any of the authorized NSE data vendors (Not all of them give you tick by tick data). Also to be able to make best use of this tick by tick data, you should ideally be on the NSE collocation which would mean that your systems are inside NSE itself, so that accepting all the millions of ticks will be quite efficient.
Tick by Tick data is usually what professional High Frequency and Arbitrage trading firms use, don’t think there is anything much a normal retail trader can do with it.