Tick by tick data vs real time data

I read that tick charts are better than time based charts, I wanted to know if all data vendors like globaldatafeeds are tick based or not… I use ninja trader, so would GDF work for tick charts? If not what is the pricing range for tick by tick data

Most of the data vendor provide data for timeframe as low as 30 secs. But hardly any of them provide tick by tick data. I personally believe tick by tick data has lot of unwanted noise and technical analysis concepts would fail on it.

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NSE disseminates realtime data in different formats like Level1, Level2, Levl3 and tick by tick data.

Data Feed Vendors offering feeds in India Provide Level1 data feeds in which not all 100% ticks would be provided as in tick data feeds dissiminated by NSE. There would be approx 0.1-0.2% of ticks which is not dissiminated in Level1 feeds by NSE.



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Does tick charts work even if I use level one data? I’m using ninja trader and global feed for data

Yes it would work, Very few ticks would not be part of Level1 data.
Zerodha customers can obtain data feeds from us at discounted price, Let me know if you need any assistance.