Time Decay Explanation in Options

I am struggling to understand how option price get hit with time decay. Conceptual exaples are available on Google, but something with real prices is what I am looking for.
Is there any clear example available to understand?

Thank You in advance

On the net, you will always find concepts.
Following is closest to reality with prices. This site is something that I’ve been religiously following since last 7 years, and benefitted tremendously with the explained concepts. Hope this helps.

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Thanks @RSOptions Can you please share some additional resources which can be referred ?
Currently I am reading Zerodha options and John C Hulls book.

i had studies John C Hull’s book few years back but it all seems greek to me now. Even options greeks are greeks :joy:

Hull is my favorite too, and I keep reading it again and again.

However, I’ll suggest not to mix all those complex jargon and never base your trades on them. All greeks are highly complex and are interrelated. For example, vega greek has an inverse relation to time decay. Delta and Gamma are the simplest to understand but far from practical implementation. A trading system should be based on simple indicators, I can tell you from my decade long trading experience.

That site http://futuresoptionsetc.com itself is pretty good and I credit a lot of my success as a professional trader to that site. Though info is not very well organized, but just read through the articles in a sequence and it will be useful (there is a date-wise archive list in the bottom-right)
Additionally, the videos embedded there are very-very helpful.

All the best!

Thanks. I have started reading it and content is good. I hope author can correct some of the typo mistakes in the articles.

I don’t have any control over the content of that site - you should contact the site owner.

However, it also gives a good opportunity to break one’s head that helps one understand the real stuff using ones own brain to get the right thing. It really helps! :slight_smile:

Thank You RSOptions