My friend had this question, if anyone can answer:
I wanted to ask a question. Is it possible to create a brokerage firm and hedge fund separately, I mean is it necessary that to create a hedge fund, I need to become a stock broker? Or I need to become a finanacial analyst?
Stock broker and Hedge fund are actually completely different.
The role of a broker is to facilitate a transaction, whereas a hedge fund manager has to manage the money raised by him.
So if I am an institution and you are my broker, I will call you and ask for a view, and I will also ask you to execute orders on my account. But these orders are what I ask you to place.
If I am an institution and you are a hedge fund manager, I will give you a few crores to manage and you work on percentage of profits earned as your commission. ( In India a hedge fund (AIF II) has to be minimum Rs 20 crores in AUM and each indivdiual/institution allocating capital, has to do atleast Rs 1 crore).
If the idea is to be a fund manager, it is best to look for job opportunities that involve coming up with trading and investment ideas. So it could technically be a job as financial/research analyst, a stock broker, or anything else. In this business, if you are good, you are automaticaly spotted and elevated.