Total invested amount for securities

Does any on have idea why Zerodha holding page not included “Total invested amount” column for securities? I feel this data is most important. Evetime calculating mentally not optimal process. It would be great help if they can include in Future Zerodha interface update !

Do you mean total investment per security?

sorry, yes , for securities

That’s interesting don’t know whom to tag so I’ll just tag in general who can then bounce it off to the respective team @Meher_Smaran @ShubhS9
I think it can benefit a lot of users both investors and traders :slight_smile:

@yvgoudar @Chetan_Nahata Hi, thanks for the feedback. We’ll check on this. Btw, you can also check the invested value on Console holdings. Explained here.

Yeah Ik that but when @yvgoudar pointed it out now I also thought it would be more seamless and a lot better to see it in kite holdings & positions tab :slight_smile:
Tbh 90% of the times just to check my securities and how r they doing I don’t go to console since kite is the native app it just a lot simpler to be it in kite :slight_smile:

Will bounce this off our team. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, @nithin_kumrr Hope this gets implemented