Tradingqna community virtual meet up

Please do attend Sundays virtual meeting. I have a lot of questions for you.


Can we have it on 19th :slight_smile: I would love to join this time too :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but i already have 12th booked :frowning:

Recording :slight_smile:

After we planned meeting, we are going very fast towards 18k. @hencjjsjahhaj
There is hope. :hugs:


It isn’t like that, Hinduism classifies it as an envious business, because my earnings mean someone else loses too, if I sell highest, buyer definitely loses, if I buy lowest, seller does, it is an envious business. Although certain explanations are around this, but overall it’s just that only 1% earn, while it needs all 100% to function, meaning 99% are required to lose, if the 1% played with each other, markets would cease to exist. I’d rather, you know, I turned religious and decided to give up the business of greed and envy, greed is good, envy is super evil, in fact it is why we fell to earth, know what Lucifer did don’t we?

If you are working as an employee, employer loses.
If you are running a business, your customer loses.

Our entire existence on this planet, nature loses something or the other.



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