TradingView - Trade From Chart (TFC) Beta Now Live!

We’re excited to introduce Trade From Chart (TFC) in beta on Kite Beta! :tada:

With TFC, you can place, modify, and manage orders and positions directly from the TradingView chart, making your trading experience more intuitive and seamless.

Want to be among the first to try it?
If you want to try TFC and be our first beta user, who can beta test this on and share feedback before we open it up for everyone.

Key Features

:white_check_mark: Placing Orders Made Simple

  • Click the + symbol to place Limit, Stop Loss Market, or Stop Loss Limit orders.

  • Market orders? Just click on the best bid/offer at the top left of the chart.

:white_check_mark: Open Positions on the Chart

  • Open positions are displayed on the chart with quantity and P&L.

  • Click Exit to close a position instantly.

:white_check_mark: Reverse Position from chart

  • A Reverse Position button is available for open positions.

  • Click it to quickly switch from long to short (or vice versa) without manual order entry.

:white_check_mark: Modify Orders with Drag & Drop

  • Need to adjust an order? Just drag and drop it to your desired price.

  • Once placed, confirm the modification for quick execution.


:white_check_mark: Instant Order Placement for Faster Execution

  • Enable Instant Order Placement in Trade Settings to place orders without confirmation.

  • Product type (NRML, MIS, CNC) is remembered from your last selection.

  • Perfect for scalpers! Quick Buy/Sell execution with prefilled quantity options.


:white_check_mark: Execution Marks for Order Tracking

  • See your executed trades as arrow marks on the chart.

  • Hover over them to view quantity, executed price, and transaction type.

:point_right: Try it out now on Kite Beta and let us know what you think!

Happy Trading! :rocket::chart_with_upwards_trend:


Perfect!! Finally this is here. :slight_smile: Thank you, Zerodha!

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Nice to see it here. Hope now you will give bracket order also in Delivery

Just want to place similar long or short position and create Bracket order for delivery which will have pre defined Entry, SL, target & Quantity .

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Can you also add alert from chart option like tradingview.

it is easy to create alerts from chart.

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Awesome! This much-needed feature has been a long wait. I tested the beta version, and it looks great so far. I’ll continue testing and share my feedback


Yeah, we are working on it, will take sometime though.

Noted, we will look into it.

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  1. SL / TP Placement using Drag & Drop Missing
  2. On Chart Watchlist Missing
  3. Alerts placement fron Chart itself Missing
  4. Seperate Url to do trading on full screen chart
  5. Feature Request : Protect Breakeven Button (to trail SL. Above Entryprice+all charges factored in.
  6. Feature Request : drag & drop order on chart to act as magnet when i hover it over candles (high, low, open, close) like trendline acts when magnet is on

1,3,5,6 - We will look into the feasibility.
2 and 4- This is only Trde From Chart feature integration on the Kite TradingView chart.

We do not have a plan to allow users to trade on the Trading View platform. Relying on a platform over which we have no control is a big risk.

On Kite, you can see the chart and Marketwatch on the left; I guess you are referring to switching between charts with a down arrow button. Currently, users can see the chart for stock A and open the order window for stock B with keyboard shortcuts; this will not be if we implement it.

You can use keyboard shortcuts to switch charts for the instruments available on MarketWatch. Click on Marketwatch, then use the up/down arrows and press C to open the chart. Follow the same steps to continue.

That’s why I suggested using the Spacebar to open the chart of the next script.

Right, but currently, we can’t use TFC to its full potential because opening the Position, Holdings, Order Book, Option Chain, etc., closes the chart. TFC will be most effective when these actions don’t close the chart.


Important points, order book and option chain should be at the same page with TFC.

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Ok, This is on our to-do list.

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Nope i am talking about integrating watchlist on full screen Tradingview charts (Pop-Out)
your marketwatch takes a lot of space (1/3rd) and we cannot collepse it, it ruins the experience also the iteams on all sides


Tradingview (watchlist can be hidden)

inshort i dont like Zerodha’s Charting experience

i am aware of that you guys dont like tradingview, in that case built your on experience better
you can atleast copy paste OR work on a new idea to make full screen Charting + Trading From Chart Better (No Offence)

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I got your point; this is there on our to-do list.

This isn’t about our opinion of TradingView; it’s about the risks it poses to the business. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s not about liking or not as Arockiya mentioned but also that is a third party platform and we have no control over it and that is a Big risk which we are not ready to take, even they don’t have office in Inida, said that we will try doing our best.

We will be coming out with terminal mode also in coming months, with that user will have option to select what ever widgets they want to see, like customizing front end.


This is great :smiley: :+1:t2:
It will solve most platform-related issues. Since traders and investors have different needs based on their style and strategies, terminal mode will let them customize the frontend as they want. I believe this could be a game changer for Zerodha.


Hi @Arockiya_Raja

Feature suggestion:

If we add another stock to compare, The option to place limit orders is not available.(Market order for first stock is available though)

It would be nice if we can place limit orders so that someone who trades in multiple counters finds it easy.

oh! @Arockiya_Raja Congratulations :slight_smile:

this is the only reason i pay3k per month to tradingview + bar replay

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Hi @Arockiya_Raja,
What are the shortcut keys that are enabled now with TFC.
I can see Shift + B for market buy and Shift + S for market sell and they also place orders with out confirmation if Instant Order Placement is enabled.
Any other shortcut keys ?

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