I would like to know whether there is any training on Intraday trading in Zerodha
I would like to know whether there is any training on Intraday trading in Zerodha
There is no specific material related to intraday trading by zerodha But you have material related to the technical analysis
Thanks for the documents.
Hey @sachinbal
This post will also give you a basic guideline of price action which is used in Intraday trading.
I agree with your thoughts that one can only learn when one trades live. But, I would like to trade virtually before I get into actual trading. Is there any virtual trading platform associated with zerodha?
Thanks. I have registered for this. Will this allow me to experiment with intraday trading? The product code shown is CNC (which I guess is Cash and Carry)? Please advise?
Yes, you’ll be able to play around with Intraday trading as well.
Hi @BharatW , thanks for the link. Although, I am able to go long in an intraday trade - I am not able to short sell . Do you have any suggestions?
I am not an experienced trader and if I have made any mistakes in my wordings, please feel free to correct
@sachinbal It is the same as shorting shares, just that you will have to short in lots and you can also carry forward this short position if you intend to.