I bough tube investment near about one year ago.Recently tube investment demarge.Recently TIFIN-BE share is credited in my demat account. But Its average buying price,net change and profit is not available in holding section.Another thing when it demarge its price was around 700 rs but now its price shows 574.Can any one tell me whats happening?
Demerger involves splitting off a portion of a business into a new entity. And when it happens the value of existing shares will reduce in proportion to the value of the demerged entity.
You need to calculate the cost of shares of the demerged entity based on the cost of acquisition ratio outlined in this circular.
You can then enter that as the discrepant value in Q.
You can refer this post for more
Sir, After demarge There is now two par TI Financial Holdings Limited (Demerged Company) – ISIN: INE149A01033 and Tube Investments of India Limited (Resulting Company) – ISIN: INE974X01010. So I should get the share of r TI Financial Holdings Limited and Tube Investments of India Limited. But I only get one share that is TI Financial Holdings but till now Tube Investments of India Limited is not credited my demat account. I am unable to find Tube Investments of India Limited in kite stock searching section.Please guide waht should I do?
@nithin plz guide.
Looks like the shares have not been credited and this depends on the company/RTA. You will receive an SMS when the shares are credited to your demat. For more info, you can get in touch with the RTA.