Unable to find strikes

Unable to add/view strikes below 750

@nithin_kumrr pls check

strikes are added acc to nse
But unable to see in Z

I can see the strikes, @dtyxg

Can you please re-check once now?

not yet

see the video

Please hard refresh and try. The strikes are available on Kite

Got it Thanks

Could U get some one from sensibull too

Strikes are + - 40 so unable to see all strikes

We are checking this.

how to do hard fresh. i can still not see in kite web

Hi @saurabhshares

You can do hard refresh by pressing Ctrl + Shift + R

No I did it. but could not see

@saurabhshares Hi, the newly introduced strikes during the day are not shown in the option chain. However, you can add it to Marketwatch and trade.

Further, we’ve reported this to our team and will be fixed in the next few days.

Ok thanks.