SAS online providing unlimited intraday trades for 999 a month, do I have to leave Zerodha to choose SAS online or wait a little longer for you to catch up with the new trend in the market ?
No plans of unlimited trading plans .
But Nithin …why is that…Zerodha is not considering flat monthly fees ? It will be really good to have only one account rather than opening another account with SAS online.
it has been such a long time and new schemes are available now.
Atleast make option trading free , icici is giving 5 min bullet free brokerage , axisdirect is giving free intraday options , kotak is giving free intraday… I dont know about axis and kotak , but icici is not charging any hidden fee even 1 paise if trade closed within 5 mins…
So please Zerodha , u are my favourite , please introduce something like this for algo traders like me , atleast on banknifty and nifty options.
Also trading is imba, still want tax-free. Brokerage free lol
I did not ask to be tax free, STT , gst , etc is cheap in options already , so no problem.