Updates to positions page on Kite web

atleast move the menu near the instrument name than having at the extreme right

I don’t think Z team is serious in taking any feedback. The case in point is this change where there is a lot of negative feedback, ask for revert, ask for short- key for exit/ add of existing position, but there is no assurance / timeline when this will be taken up. On the contrary Z expects to get used to a counter- productive change!

Please look at the feedback, suggestions for further improvement from me and commit to a timeline


@Arockiya_Raja This is a dumb upadate. In a way makes sense but at least modify option should be visible or available if one clicks on the quanitity or price area of open positions, saving the hazzle to scroll to the extreme right and then click and then go to the modify option.

You can click on the trading symbol to open the modify window.