Upi mandate issues

I was applied for the Ipo of Equitas small finance bank and shares was also alloted & balance funds also refunded in my bank account but in bhim app mandate is still active even after expiry period. I don’t know what to do & how this to be cancelled.

You can get in touch with BHIM Support, they should be able to resolve this issue.

Hello , I have applied approved two upi mandate for same ipo application…does my application will rejected? and also can any help me how can I remove one upi mandate from that…?I am using BHIM upi app

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For the same application, there should only be one mandate from the bank. If the application is modified, even then only the incremental amount will be blocked. Can you check what is the amount blocked? If double amount is blocked, you can approach his bank to get it reduced.

here the problem is somehow my application not submitted in Zerodha first time…so I delete the order and reapply…then in my UP app its first show one mandate with different Application ID which is I mistakenly approved.then after place new bid i approved another UPI mandate with different Application Id…so In that case my double amount is blocked…so does my IPO application will rejected ?

this two
Application Id : SC666846424000 (which is currently showing )
Application Id : SC666846423620 (which is not showing currently in bid section of console.)

and both UPI mandate is approved. Can you please help I does not want to my IPO application get rejected due to this issue ?

Your earlier application is deleted, the amount blocked for the same should be unblocked by the bank by end of the day. You now only have one application, for which you have successfully accepted the mandate, this wont be rejected.

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thank you very much shubhS9 for your help…

Hello , @ShubhS9 I just checked my account it still shows 28,800 as blocked amount …and my bank has told me to contact the broker for this query. can you please help me to how I can unblock one IPO application amount…

Funds for the deleted application have to be unblocked by the bank, you can contact NPCI at [email protected] and also get in touch with your Bank again.

the amount for mrs bector ipo has not been revoked yet, the end date was 4th jan , i asked the home branch and they asked me to wait for some more days for the amount to be released. What should i do?
Will it get unlien automatically or i have to ask someone for the same?
please help

You can contact NPCI at [email protected] with your application number, IFSC Code, and Bank account number.

Hey, I have faced this issue. I am very worried now. Please tell me you got your amount? And when? Please bro reply fast. Thanks

Hey if you cancel then you will only get on the mandate end date as seen in your application…Yes I got the amount had to wait for it though as the end dates very far…If its for IRFC then you will get on 8th Feb …

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Actually, I made order of IRFC first but i didn’t get mandate request till one hour so i cancelled it and created another order for same. After some time i got upi mandate request on Gpay. And I paid for it. But after 15 min I got another. Then I got to know that I paid for the order that I have cancelled. Now I didn’t pay anything more. And cancel the 2nd order too. Now amount for one order got blocked. So, I am worried that I don’t know when this amount will get release. Either on refund initiation date or on expiry date? Please reply. I am in depression because I saw some complaints regarding to this on Google that they didn’t get their amount even after mandate expiry date. Please reply fast. Thanks

I am facing same issue now. Please help me. Did you get your money before expired UPI mandate date? Or have you faced something. Please tell me. Thanks

For IRFC , on Feb 8th u will get your money directly unblocked from your bank account…

Please check your balance on 7th and 8th to confirm… I don’t think you will get any sms saying your money has been unblocked for these cancelled ones…

And these are mandates where your money is still in your bank account but blocked so u cannot use them till the mandate is revoked…so don’t worry you will get it back…

Yesterday i applied for irfc ippo though i received mandate request in gpay and i authorized till now i amount is not blocked by my bank. Does any know whats the issue?

Did u get refund finally?
Coz even I’m stuck in same condition with indigo paints IPO

hey what happened finally ? even I’m stuck in similar condition