Vwap and add an previous days high and low indicator

In TradingView Beta, VWAP changes its line as i increase the date range , it is not stable
Add an option/Indicator of today’s and previous day high and low

The Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is a trading indicator that is calculated based on the average price at which a security has traded throughout a specific time period, weighted by the trading volume at each price level.

The reason why the VWAP changes as you increase the date range is because it is a moving average that takes into account the trading data within the specified time period. The VWAP is not a fixed value; it is recalculated for each time period, and it reflects the average price and volume for that specific time period.

Here’s how it works:

  1. VWAP Calculation: To calculate the VWAP for a specific time period, you sum the products of the price and volume of each trade within that period and then divide by the total volume traded in that period. The formula for VWAP is:VWAP = (Sum(price * volume) for all trades within the time period) / (Total volume traded within the time period)
  2. Moving Average: The VWAP is typically calculated for a rolling time window, such as a day, week, or month. As each new trade occurs within that time period, the VWAP is recalculated to reflect the updated average price and volume for that period.
  3. Changing Data: As you increase the date range, you are essentially expanding the time period over which the VWAP is calculated. This means that the VWAP takes into account a larger set of historical data, and it will change to reflect the average price and volume over that extended period.