What are some of the least riskiest ways to make money in the stock market apart from shorting deep out of the money options?

What are some of the least riskiest ways to make money in the stock market apart from shorting deep out of the money options ? I have heard arbitrage trading to be riskless … are there any other such methods where the risk is very low and where we can easily make 5-10% montly ?


Shorting deep out of the money is definitely not the least riskiest. When you short an option, there is an unlimited risk you take, so if there is a big move in the market against you, the deep OTM can cause a huge damage.

If you are looking at making any return above 1% a month, it comes along with risk. I don’t think there is any safe strategy that can make you 5 to 10% monthly.

If you are worried about risk, I guess buying options is a lot more safer, as you know the maximum risk upfront.


Well i was talking about writing options with a week left for expiry . Never mind … i was just trying to see if there are better ways of making profit