What are the charges for using easiest facility from CDSL

I have equities holding with a brokers who charges 0.2% on buy or sell equities delivery.

I would like to transfer my holdings to discount broker like Zerodha and wondering

  1. Are there any charges from CDSL?
  2. Are there any charges from existing broker?
  3. Are there any charges from new broker where I want to transfer?

Hey @curiousvi

  1. Charges from CDSL for easiest facility will be approx Rs 2250/-. Refer this FAQ from CDSL for more information. However, if you are using DIS, CDSL won’t charge you.
  2. Your broker will likely charge you for transferring out shares from your DEMAT account. You will have to contact their customer support and find out.
  3. Zerodha doesn’t charge you if you are transferring shares into your Zerodha Demat account.
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Not correct I think. The CDSL Trusted Account is free but you need authroization from the Broker to enable it. But if you do this in Zerodha they will cancel your POA, so you wont be able to sell shares normally. You can sell after you manually transfer the shares you want to sell into their pool account and next day it will show up on Kite.

Bigger question: Why do you want Easiest ? If you just want to view it - you can see it using Easi.

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I think you meant once I have easiest enabled at current broker …both at my existing POA as well other broker like Zerodha will be ineffective …so I will not be able to sell unless I transfer shares using easiest to zerodha pool?

No - Easiest is demat specific. It has to be enabled per demat. I was assuming you want to enable easiest only on Zerodha. Every broker can have different ways to implement. HDFC has its own way of enabling easiest and keeping the POA.

Can someone explain me how much charges for stocks value 1 lac if I transfer using CDSL easiest?

Like in Zerodha for stock buy and sell after one day then we have to give total charges 223 Rs.,…,hence if I will transfer any stocks which is valued 1 lacs then how much I have to Pay charges