It depends on whether you are buying for long term or for intraday/short term.
For long term i.e more than 1 year, huge order placing in single day does not matter because in 1 year there can be very large movement in price upwards or downwards.
But for intraday/short-term if you place very large order in single day it can change the price very much.And there can be losses when you exit your previous position.
Ex- price movement occurs due to demand and supply. If for stock A, price is 1000, your huge order can move the price say 20 points up, then the price becomes 1020. This price change is mostly due to your demand. So when you try sell your shares at 1020 it will not get executed at 1020 when you place limit order because there are no buyers at 1020 for such huge order. So you place a market order to sell, then price reverse back to 1000 or more lower. Thus you can incur losses. Thus it is recommended for intraday trades that such quantity should be traded which you can exit very easily.