As options(Equity) expire on last Thursday of each month, in the same way what is the expiry date for commodity Options ?
Unlike equities where all contracts expire on the same day, in commodities every contract has a different expiry day. Click here to download the below file.
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Check this sheet for the near month’s expiry dates of commodity derivatives you can trade on MCX through Zerodha. You can also check the expiry date on the market watch in Kite:
List of MCX Contracts:
Commodity | Price Quotation | Lot size | Settlement Type | Near Month Expiry Date | Last date till trading is allowed(due to compulsory physical delivery) |
Futures | |||||
ALUMINI | ₹/kg | 1 MT | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
ALUMINIUM | ₹/kg | 5 MT | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
CARDAMOM | ₹/kg | 100 KGS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 11/15/2019 | Trading blocked due to illiquidity |
COPPER | ₹/kg | 2.5 MT | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
COTTON | ₹/bale (of 25 kg) | 25 BALES | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 12.30 PM |
CPO | ₹/10 kg | 10 MT | Cash | 10/31/2019 | 31-Oct-19 09.00 PM |
CRUDEOIL | ₹/bbl | 100 BBL | Cash | 10/21/2019 | 21-Oct-19 11.30 PM |
CRUDEOILM | ₹/bbl | 10 BBL | Cash | 10/21/2019 | 21-Oct-19 11.30 PM |
GOLD | ₹/10 grams | 1 KGS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 12/05/2019 | 28-Nov-19 10.00 PM |
GOLDGUINEA | ₹/8 grams | 8 GRMS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
GOLDM | ₹/10 grams | 100 GRMS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 11/05/2019 | 29-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
GOLDPETAL | ₹/gram | 1 GRMS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
LEAD | ₹/kg | 5 MT | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
LEADMINI | ₹/kg | 1 MT | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
MENTHAOIL | ₹/kg | 360 KGS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 23-Oct-19 12.30 PM |
NATURALGAS | ₹/mmbtu | 1250 MMBTU | Cash | 10/25/2019 | 25-Oct-19 11.30 PM |
NICKEL | ₹/kg | 250 KGS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
SILVER | ₹/kg | 30 KGS | Staggered Physical Delivery | 12/05/2019 | 28-Nov-19 10.00 PM |
SILVERM | ₹/kg | 5 KGS | Cash | 11/29/2019 | 29-Nov-19 11.30 PM |
SILVERMIC | ₹/kg | 1 KGS | Cash | 11/29/2019 | 29-Nov-19 11.30 PM |
ZINC | ₹/kg | 5 MT | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
ZINCMINI | ₹/kg | 1 MT | Staggered Physical Delivery | 10/31/2019 | 24-Oct-19 10.00 PM |
Options | |||||
GOLD | ₹/10 grams | 1 KGS | Devolves into Futures | 11/26/2019 | 25-Nov-2019 |
CRUDEOIL | ₹/bbl | 100 BBL | Devolves into Futures | 10/17/2019 | 16-Oct-2019 |
SILVER | ₹/kg | 30 KGS | Devolves into Futures | 11/26/2019 | 25-Nov-2019 |
COPPER | ₹/kg | 1 MT | Devolves into Futures | 10/22/2019 | 21-Oct-2019 |
ZINC | ₹/kg | 5 MT | Devolves into Futures | 10/22/2019 | 21-Oct-2019 |
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For CRUDEOIL options, you have written “Devolves into Futures”.
I was looking at CRUDEOILM options, do they have a similar expiry mechanism.
Means if one expiry one leaves options position, do they have to take any delivery of any physical goods or is it cash-settled ?