What feature would you like to see in Kite 4.0 - a note for the zerodha founders

@nithin @siva currently zerodha supports price trigger(alert) emails but a audio/audio based notification should also chime whenever price alert targets are hit just like tradingview does.will take max a day of zerodha developer time. This could be a great feature,especially for those who are busy with other work like office work while trading.

Also for multiple charts in one window/multiview the scrolling in and out technically zooming in out to the chart is inverted can you also fix that.

Let option charts save in local computer after it expires.

Very tall asking…Ability to save charts on cloud, this can be a paid service / module as well,. say for 500 charts XX amount per year will be charged etc., totally fine with me.
For price action and positional traders this will be a dream come true, “Because out of sight is out of mind”

As of today not even a full service broker offers ability to save charts consistently on web platform on cloud.