What happens to AMO orders if it is not executed before 9:30 ? It will be in order book till 3:30 or it will get cancelled ?
AMO orders will become normal orders after 9.15am and it will be there in the system untill it get executed or till market closes, after market closes exchange will cancel all open orders.
All the AMO order will be converted to normal order at 9.15am.If they placed market order,that order got excecuted once market open.
Hi Rajesh,
After market order is placed once the market closes, any time form 6.30 PM (with some broker you can place AMO from 3.31 PM) to till next day 9 AM. These orders will accumalate in broker server, Once the market opens at 9.15 AM all the AMO orders will be realised from the brokers to the regular market. When the order are realised this will go as a normal order to the exchange. Only at the broker end we can Identify the AMO orders, since the orders are realised after 9.15 AM exchange will identify your order as a regular order.
AMO Facility is like a water reservoir (Water Dam). It collects all the orders till 9 AM or 9.14 AM and it will be realised every day at 9.15 AM. The orders will be vaild till 3.30 PM, if it is not executed your order will get cancelled.
This is how the process flows, as I understand
You create an AMO order around 7:00 pm for ABC Limited Buy 1000 shares
Another persson creates an AMO order around 9:00 pm for ABC Limited Buy 250 shares.
Zerodha collects all these orders with their original timestamp and queue it in ascending order based on the time of AMO order creation.
You/anyone can modify their AMO order, and submit, Now the order gets re-queued as per the new timestamp. Modifying AMO order is only possible upto next day morning 8:45 am, I think. After 8:45 am you cannot modify already submitted AMO order, but you will be able to place new orders until 9:00 am, I think.
After 9 am, zerodha consolidates all AMO orders as per queue (of timestamp) and prepares for punching it to NSE server at 9:15 am
Your order gets placed to NSE server say around 9:15:10 am, It will be placed as a normal limit order or market order as like you have created it.
If limit price attains, it will execute or it will remain in pending status for whole day (9:15:10 am to 3:20:00 pm)in your order book, At 3:20 pm you order will be canceled by Admin, if it has not got executed for whole day. You order book will simply show status as canceled at 3:20 pm.
If AMO is market order, it will get executed immediately at say 9:15:10 and you can see the completed order in your order book.
is there any extra charge for this?
There are no charges, if your pending order is cancelled.
Think is for MIS orders only get cancelled at 3.20pm by admin , if it was CNC will be carried till 3.30pm.
Also If there is gap up in preopen , your amo sell order will get executed at 9.08 am itself at higher gapup open price , viveversa for amo buy orders