What is -BE & -BL detonation in different company share name?

when I am searching any company share, its showing like, GSFC, GSFC-BE, GSFC-BL.
So, What is exact meaning of BL & BE and how it differs from normal shares?

BL is used for block deals.

I’m new in this, so can u explain me in brief?

Read this - https://www.nseindia.com/products/content/equities/equities/mrkt_segment.htm

if you are new to this then dont mind the other series just concern yourself with the symbolname. dont mind the ‘-XX’ suffix. This means its in EQ series and retail investors like you and me can buy sell including intraday same day buying and selling.

-BE means you cant do intraday or BTST you can buy get the shares in your demat then sell.

dont mind the other series for now.