What is maximum loss/lot in nifty FUT in overnight carrying if opens against our favour on next day. With what%loss automotically closes overnight positions on opening itself

What is maximum loss/lot in nifty FUT in overnight carrying if opens against our favour on next day. With what%loss automotically closes overnight positions on opening itself.

To have an idea to prepare the fpr the loss in overnight carrying of FUTURE

Theoretically maximum loss trading futures is unlimited. Typically brokers square off positions when margin drops below 50% of total margin requirement. But if markets open with a huge gap up or down, broker won’t get an opportunity to square off. In which case loses can be unlimited

Thanx Nithin, But through call centre I came to know that Zerodha have S/ware to close @70%span margin(nearly200 pts) of loss…kindly ensure to prepare mentally