What is Newton method of trading?

I’m very curious as well.

But if I were to guess, I would suspect this would have something to do with the fact that …stocks which goes up tends to come down! :slight_smile:

Hi Aman Sharma,

Find the details of NEWTON METHOD of trading in the given links, i think its same or little more complex than in ALGORITHM trading.

  1. http://www.texmacs.org/joris/fnewton/fnewton.html

  2. http://marketscientist.in/courses/the-newton-method/ … here you got some free online courses.

  3. http://ie.technion.ac.il/~ehazan/papers/icml.pdf

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Some website offers a course for this method. So was curious if other traders know about it. Maybe they’ve devised it themselves.

2nd URL is where I first read about this. First URL I guess is about Newton-Raphson Method of Numerical Analysis and Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) and what does that have to do with trading?

when i searched for NEWTON METHOD of trading, these are the links which i got in Google.

So you mean people can’t Google search?

I read somewhere that the Fourier series(used in engineering problems) can be modified to create a Fourier oscillator for rangebound securities. Numerical analysis is already used for Monte Carlo simulation(which is basically a type of numerical integration) to calculate the probability of security price range…